CinemaStance Dot Com

On Friday evening, they cheered. They chanted, “Water!” over the opening titles. They screamed, “USA! USA!” during the lovemaking scenes. They threw spoons in the air. They tossed footballs. The Ken Cinema was a packed house Friday evening for the 10th anniversary screening of The Room and it was a truly interactive film experience.

DSCN9636-smallTommy Wiseau appeared early (shortly after 11pm to be precise) to interact with those in line, sign merchandise and pose for pictures. It’s clear that those who love the movie, really love the movie. One attendee even stated that the film is a weekly Wednesday night staple at the United States Antarctic Base Station, and that the film helped them get through some rough conditions. The writer/actor/director participated in a lively 20 minute Q&A session before the show with an appreciative audience. He played catch with a footballer and even pulled a few audience members up from their seats so he could answer their questions up close.

For those interested, the live experience is most certainly a good time. If you’ve ever wanted to meet the mind behind The Room, this is a rare opportunity to do so. Tickets for Saturday night’s show (which Tommy Wiseau will also attend) are still on sale. Just click on the link and get them before they’re gone:

And Tommy Wiseau still really wants me (and everyone else) to watch the Behind the Scenes documentary on The Room DVD and Blu-ray. Anyone who checks it out will see footage of the crew loading two cameras and some rehearsals between actors. 

Groovy stuff!


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