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Khora and her Dad

What is a Parent’s Multiview Review? Well, as I’m sure you are all aware, children love repetition. And according to “The Books” structure is good for them. One of the ways this manifests itself is the practice of watching the same movie over and over and over and….

While my daughter Khora, who is less than two-years old, shows many exceptional abilities and skills (I am biased) she is still very much guilty of this exercise. The same movies need to be viewed daily, sometimes right after each other, ad nausea.

So far, I consider myself lucky. The initial television obsession has been the hipster dance party that is “Yo Gabba Gabba”. While some of the songs annoyingly stick directly in your brain and you find yourself singing about not biting your friends (a worthy lesson but it should go without saying) “Yo Gabba” is much better than a being on a “Barney” kick.


On the film front, Khora has illustrated exceptional taste. I am a lucky father! The entire “Toy Story” Trilogy is constantly playing on my television. It could be so very much worse. I dread the day that Khora decides we need to watch the Justin Bieber concert movie 53 times for her to really “get” it. I’m sure that by the time she is ready to devour Horrid-Pop music, Bieber will be a faded nothing and be replaced by a some other sexless teen-throb omitting high frequency noise from his skull. I’m sure that guy’s concert movie will be even better….

But “Toy Story” stays enjoyable on Do-Over Mode. Of course there is a lot going on here. The first film being the very first Computer Generated Cartoon Film Ever. The Modern day “Snow White”. Made in 1995, the technology does look a little dated but the Masters at PIXAR have done a great job making all three films look like they are in the same world. What makes these stories work is the chemistry between the actors as Tom Hanks and Tim Allen share a banter that is timeless.

I’m a Woody man myself but Khora lights up every time she sees Mr. Buzz Lightyear. I’ve tried to argue this with her but she still responds in a curious form of Babble that I’m pretty sure only she fully understands. I get pieces and bits, but a full conversation about the pros and cons of “Toy Story” characters is currently not possible.

Of the three films, my favorite is still part 3. It looks the best, has the best villain in Lotso (I can’t believe that S.O.B. leaves them in the trash incinerator like that!!!) and has the most emotional weight of any animated film I’ve ever seen. Even after watching it time after time, I still cry like a baby when Andy presents Bonnie with all of his toys. I usually just leave the room.

One thing that bothers me: Where does Andy’s mom think Jessie and Bullseye came from? At the end of 2, Andy’s been away at camp and comes back to find Woody and Buzz waiting on his bed with these new friends. He says “New toys! Thanks Mom!” but his mother had nothing to do with it, they we brought there by Woody after their harrowing adventure at the airport. The film ends there but don’t you think that Andy’s mom would eventually wonder where the Girl Cowboy doll and Horse came from? Andy would say that he thought she gave them to him but that would be considered a lie. It would then be assumed that Andy stole them from one of his friends and there would be phone calls and a crying Andy screaming “Why don’t you ever believe me!!!”


“Because toys don’t just appear in your bedroom Andy!” Andy’s mom would bellow back. So much drama. Yet this is never explained. After 21 viewing of each of the three films, that is the one flaw I’ve found. Not a bad ratio.

Continue on with the good taste Miss Khora. Lately she’s been gravitating toward “Brave”… If that happens I’m going to be running around talking in a terrible Scottish accent for weeks. I hope and pray that she soon finds “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure” waiting for her on the DVD shelf. Then I’ll just be constantly doing a bad impression of that annoying laugh and that I can handle.

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