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Tag Archives: Randall Park

Repetitive Gross-Out Gags Makes STRAYS Tiring
Movie Reviews

Repetitive Gross-Out Gags Makes STRAYS Tiring

Running Time: 93 minutes This feature film from Universal Pictures will be playing exclusively at theaters on August 18th. Over …Read the Rest

SNATCHED Manages to Steal A Few Laughs
Movie Reviews

SNATCHED Manages to Steal A Few Laughs

Occasionally, a critic just ends up giving a movie a pass simply based on how many times it brings a …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Feb. 17th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Feb. 17th

Welcome once again to another editing focusing on the highlights of what is arriving this week on DVD and Blu-ray. …Read the Rest